xSuite Managed Services

In today's interconnected world, your business operations can't afford downtime or delays. That's why our Managed Services contract includes 24/5 support - a commitment to provide you with guidance, assistance, and solutions whenever you need them, ensuring your business runs smoothly around the clock, five days a week.

Key Benefits of Our 24/5 Support:

Responsive Assistance

Whether it's a technical glitch or a critical issue, our dedicated support team is just a call or message away, ready to swiftly address your concerns and find effective solutions.

Minimized Disruptions

With 24/5 support, you can avoid prolonged disruptions to your operations. We understand the value of your time and work diligently to resolve issues promptly.

Peace of Mind

No matter your timezone, you can rest easy knowing that our experts are available to support you. This consistent availability eliminates uncertainty and ensures a reliable safety net.

Proactive Monitoring

Our support doesn't wait for issues to arise - we proactively monitor your systems to detect and address potential problems before they impact your business.

Continuous Improvement

Beyond immediate problem-solving, our 24/5 support is also focused on enhancing your systems over time, optimizing performance, and adapting to your evolving needs.

Tailored Plans

Discover the Perfect Fit: Choose from Basic, Prime, Gold, and Platinum Options

Features/Plans Standard Basic Prime Gold Platinum
No. of first level support tickets for users per month
(No carryforward of unutilized tickets to next month)
Not applicable 10 20 20 25
Mandatory tickets utilized for support activities by xSuite Team (Not for customer use) Not applicable 17 65 65 65
Standard Support timings 9:00 - 18:00 9:00 - 18:00 9:00 - 18:00 9:00 - 18:00 9:00 - 18:00
Response time High: 4 working Hrs.
Medium: 8 working Hrs.
Low: 24 working Hrs.
4 Hrs 4 Hrs 4 Hrs 4 Hrs
Reporting / Documentations Standard Basic Prime Gold Platinum
Ticket Utilization report each ticket status via email - Weekly once Weekly once Weekly once Weekly once
Weekly Meeting with Client to provide status - -
Bi-Monthly Meeting with Client to provide ticket status -
- - -
Resolution documents for 1st level tickets under managed service Not applicable -
Share WMD Standard user guide and manual (if available)
Health check of WMD Solution Standard Basic Prime Gold Platinum
Daily OCR Server Monitor (Status monitor, Queue, etc) Raise CR -
Twice a week OCR Server Monitor (Status monitor, Queue, etc) Raise CR - - - -
Weekly Once OCR Server Monitor ( Status monitor, Queue, etc) Raise CR
- - -
Half yearly system health check Raise CR -
Yearly system health check Raise CR
- - -
OCR Server DB, Log Monitoring Raise CR
Automated Monitoring Tool (24/7) with email notification (only for xSuite team use) Raise CR - -
License Check/Monitoring (OCR & SAP) Raise a Ticket Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly
WMD Cont.rep. monitor ( if Cont.rep setup/deployed by WMD) Raise CR -
OCR - Tickets scope Standard Basic Prime Gold Platinum
Bug in xSuite Products Raise a Ticket Raise a Ticket Raise a Ticket Raise a Ticket Raise a Ticket
Only license has failed due to hardware changes/some issue Raise a Ticket Raise a Ticket Raise a Ticket Raise a Ticket Raise a Ticket
User queries related to scan clients, documents in XI status, emails not received, etc Raise CR Raise a Ticket Raise a Ticket Raise a Ticket Raise a Ticket
Raise of ticket from end users/ how to questions Raise CR Raise a Ticket Raise a Ticket Raise a Ticket Raise a Ticket
Attending user queries related to xFlow Raise CR Raise a Ticket Raise a Ticket Raise a Ticket Raise a Ticket
SAP - Tickets scope Standard Basic Prime Gold Platinum
Bug in xSuite Products Raise a Ticket Raise a Ticket Raise a Ticket Raise a Ticket Raise a Ticket
Only license has failed due to hardware changes/some issue Raise a Ticket Raise a Ticket Raise a Ticket Raise a Ticket Raise a Ticket
Raise of ticket from end users/ how to questions Raise CR as it out of scope Raise a Ticket Raise a Ticket Raise a Ticket Raise a Ticket
Attending user queries related to xFlow Raise CR for Admin Training Raise a Ticket Raise a Ticket Raise a Ticket Raise a Ticket
User administration maintanence within xFlow Raise CR for Admin Training Raise a Ticket Raise a Ticket Raise a Ticket Raise a Ticket
Release table maintanence Raise CR for Admin Training Raise a Ticket Raise a Ticket Raise a Ticket Raise a Ticket
Cockpit user administration simulation Raise CR for Admin Training Raise a Ticket Raise a Ticket Raise a Ticket Raise a Ticket
Email escalation and Email notification Raise CR for Admin Training Raise a Ticket Raise a Ticket Raise a Ticket Raise a Ticket
EBatch job scheduling Raise CR for Admin Training Raise a Ticket Raise a Ticket Raise a Ticket Raise a Ticket
Out of Scope topics Standard Basic Prime Gold Platinum
Training to the New Key-users Raise CR Raise CR Raise CR Raise CR Raise CR
Preparing client specific user manuals &documentation Raise CR Raise CR Raise CR Raise CR Raise CR
SAP Config & Coding Changes Raise CR Raise CR Raise CR Raise CR Raise CR
Changes to OCR Configuration Raise CR Raise CR Raise CR Raise CR Raise CR
Improvement to OCR Recognisation Raise CR Raise CR Raise CR Raise CR Raise CR
Change of SAP Solution Raise CR Raise CR Raise CR Raise CR Raise CR
Upgrade of xSuite Versions in SAP or OCR (Software is free) Raise CR Raise CR Raise CR Raise CR Raise CR
New company rollouts Raise CR Raise CR Raise CR Raise CR Raise CR
Windows patch in server and xSuite Team support is needed Raise CR Raise CR Raise CR Raise CR Raise CR
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Unlock Your Business Potential with Customized Managed Services

Ready to take your business to new heights of efficiency, security, and innovation? Our Managed Services are designed to cater to your unique requirements. Request a quotation today and let us tailor a comprehensive solution that aligns perfectly with your business goals. Experience the peace of mind that comes with a dedicated support partner, proactive maintenance, and strategic guidance. Your success is our priority - let's make it happen together.